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4 Unexpected Complications From Post-Operative Infection

The Leapfrog Group recently released its report for Fall 2022, highlighting that this is the 10th Anniversary of the watchdog organization’s efforts to provide information about patient safety in hospitals. The Hospital Safety Grade report assesses around 3,000 hospitals across the US and issues a letter grade based upon how successful the facilities are in prevention of medical errors, accidents, and patient harm. Florida ranks in the Top 10 US states with the highest percentage of hospitals that scored an “A” – not surprising given the high-quality health facilities in the state.

Still, one of the biggest problems even among the best performing hospitals is post-operative infection. Surgery can be quite invasive, despite advancements in medical technology that enable tiny incisions. When providers do not undertake proper precautions after a procedure, toxins can enter the body and cause extreme complications for the patient. These situations are covered by Florida medical malpractice laws, so it is important to consult with a attorney. There are implications that you may not expect, such as: 

  1. Sepsis and Septic Shock: When a person develops an infection of any kind, the human body’s immune system mounts an aggressive response to eliminate the contaminant and heal. In some cases, things go too far and the response is too extreme. Sepsis is the condition that results when the immune system triggers a chain reaction, causing damage to organs and other tissues. Septic shock is the next, more serious stage, when blood pressure falls and organs begin to fail. These effects are preventable with proper monitoring and care after surgery. 
  2. Intense Treatment: You came to the hospital for a surgical procedure, but a postoperative infection changes expectations significantly. You will require a longer stay to fully recover, and every day in the hospital costs thousands. Plus, you now require care you did not need before coming in for surgery, adding to your financial losses. 
  3. Post-Sepsis Syndrome: Even after recovering from sepsis and the post-operative infection that started it, there can be consequences for the patient. For months or even years later, a person may experience post-sepsis syndrome, including such symptoms as:
  • Fatigue and general weakness;
  • Anxiety and depression;
  • Difficulty sleeping and staying asleep;
  • Hallucinations and flashbacks; and,
  • PTSD. 
  1. Increased Vulnerability to Infection: The body is in a weakened state after going through a surgical procedure, attempting to heal a post-operative infection – and then suffering sepsis and septic shock. In the first few weeks following recovery, a person may develop repeat infections. The effects may be linked to the surgical site, but many patients sustain respiratory and lung infections.

Get in Touch with a Florida Post-Operative Infection Lawyer Today 

If you have concerns about negligence in the care you received after surgery, please contact Greco, Wozniak & Ruiz-Carus, P.A. to set up a no-cost case review. Individuals in Hillsborough County can call 813.223.7849 or visit our website to reach our offices. After assessing your circumstances, a postoperative infection attorney can explain the legal process.